アクセスマップ |

As a teacher of English in Japan since 1999 (both at organizations focusing on business, such as Shizuoka Prefecture, Mitsubishi, Jatco etc. and at places focusing on children, such as Minerva, and culture centers)
I’ve created a quality English learning environment that has been thriving since 2003.
We have a constant feedback system that lets students share in our teachers’ development as well as a monthly critique system that lets teachers share in the techniques that they have mastered.
So our idea of constant improvement gives the student the best possible lesson.
Also, since our administration costs are low due to the fact that one person manages, teaches and trains (also we are lucky to have great office staff) we can offer an excellent price. And we would never charge a high fee in advance.
We are here to stay.I have a permanent residency for Japan and am happy to call Japan my home and raise my children here in Shizuoka.
So please come and try our friendly at home environment with high quality and at a reasonable price.
Thank you,
2003年、子供から大人向け、幅広い分野の英語を学べる英会話STEP UPを開室。常に生徒の様子を観察し、より良い学習環境作りと低料金で質の高いレッスンを目指している。
I like Star Wars, science fiction, and musicals.
I have many interests, traveling, sports, skiing and cycling, I love motorcycles! I also love talking to new people and making friends.
私はスターウォーズ、サイエンスフィクション、ミュージカルが好きです。 私はたくさんの趣味があります。旅行、スポーツ、スキー、サイクリングで、オートバイが大好きです。 新しい人と話をしたり、友達を作るのも大好きです。